What to Expect

What To Expect at New Hope 


We are a small community church established in 1906 to serve the area known as Phoenix which is part of the greater Leland area.  New Hope exists to exalt Jesus Christ as Savior, to equip the Saints and to proclaim the salvation message to the greater Leland area and beyond.


Some frequently asked questions are: 

1.  What time is the Sunday Morning Worship Service? 

New Hope's Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 11:00 am.  You can enter through the front doors of the sanctuary or use the no step "ramp entrance" door on the side just under where the steeple is located. 


2.  Where is New Hope located?   

New Hope is located at 2727 Mt. Misery Road, Leland, NC  28451. 


3.  How long are the services? 

Our services generally last about 60 minutes, occasionally Pastor Looney may go over but not very often.   


4.  What should I wear? 

Come as you are!  Some people dress up in their "Sunday best" but many dress casual.  Our primary concern is that everyone dress modestly. 


5.  What about a Wednesday service?   

We have Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 6:30 pm.  We meet in the Fellowship Hall.  We sit at tables so we can have a place to put our books rather than trying to use our laps to hold everything.  This is an informal setting.   Pastor Looney leads the Bible Study and has covered a variety of subjects such as:  Angels, The Book of the Revelation, Prophecy, The Bible Made Simple, Spiritual Gifts, The Twelve Disciples, Apologetic:  A Look at Genesis."